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Why You Should be Eating More Ginger

Shots of pure ginger are exploding into supermarkets and on social media. This blog post will explain why ginger is so popular. If your into your juices you will already know ginger is a great ingredient to spice up a fruit and veggie juice. The root has a spicy, tangy fresh taste and is packed with nutrients, just like its siblings just turmeric and cardamom.

Ginger Benefits

There are so many benefits to eating and drinking ginger that it really is a great food to incorporate into your diet. It contains essential oils and good bacteria that all support its superfood status.

  • Can help symptoms of arthritis
  • Relieves soreness after exercise
  • Is a anti inflammatory
  • Antiviral
  • antiseptic
  • antihistamine
  • Will help with fat digestion
  • Helps protect lungs from respiratory viruses
  • Beneficial for the digestive tract
  • Helps suppress appetite

Ginger Shot Recipes

When buying ginger its best to buy organic as ginger usually tastes much more powerful, which means you will only have to use a small amount to get the benefits. If you plan on making your own ginger shots make sure not to peel the root. The peel contains a lot of nutrients so just rinse and your good to go. Now, a word of warning if this is your first ginger shot, it will taste very strong! Juice enough for a full shot of ginger juice, this is around 25 grams. You can either just close your eyes and get it down, or you can add the ginger juice to something like apple juice or even your own homemade juice.

Below are some great recipes to help you incorporate ginger into your diet.

Juice Recipes

Ginger and Lemon

  • 25 grams or 2 inches of ginger
  • 1 large lemon
  • Add a carrot if you want more colour

Green Ginger juice

If you like a kick, this juice is perfect for getting you started on a Monday morning

  • 2 inches of ginger
  • 1 small green apple
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 lemon

Really when it comes to juices you can add ginger to most, as it just gives your juice more of an edge.

Smoothie Recipe

  • 2 handfuls spinach
  • 250ml of water
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 banana
  • 3 dates, pitted
  • 1 inch of ginger
  • 1 lemon

If you aren’t a fan of smoothies and juices add 10ml of ginger juice to your coffee and create a ginger latte.