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4 Delicious Detox Juice Recipes

The diet that we consume nowadays doesn’t allow our body to cleanse itself. We keep on eating all the time and the calorie intake is greater than the calories burned. Same is the case with toxins- the toxin intake is far greater than the toxins removed. More toxins imply a weak immune system resulting in greater chances of getting ill and premature death. So detoxify your way to a healthy living with our top picks for detox juices-

Coriander Fiesta Juice

With Coriander Fiesta Juice, get ready to forget your typical high-on-calorie and sugar-packed margaritas…because this is sweet and just that delicious.


  • 6 leaves of romaine lettuce
  • ½ lime
  • ¼ bunch coriander
  • 1½ cup pineapple


Put all the ingredients in a juicer. Altering between pineapple & romaine would help to move everything smoothly.

Matcha Green Tea Latte

Matcha is made from the leaves of green tea. So, you can rest assured that it will boost your energy, save you on caffeine, and help you get rid of the toxins. It has more antioxidants than our normal green tea, and thus improves immunity and reduces inflammation.


  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • ½ tsp of matcha powder


  • Put the almond milk to heat at 165° in a saucepan.
  • Place matcha powder in a mug and pour ¼ cup of almond milk over it, into the mug.
  • Whisk fiercely until it becomes frothy.
  • Add the remaining almond milk.

Green Detox Smoothie

The lime, spinach, and apples in the Green Detox Smoothie boost the natural ability of the body to flush toxins out & reduce inflammation. Kiwi and Celery have antioxidants which fight against the free radicals.


  • 1 apple (Diced)
  • Lime Juice (One Lime)
  • 2 kiwi (Peeled and Diced)
  • A handful of spinach
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 stalk celery
  • Ice


Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy a glass of detoxifying smoothie.

Green Goddess

Parsley is a diuretic that helps you to beat the bloat, while, spinach has anti-cancer properties. This detoxifying juice is also rich in vitamins A and C and promotes beauty and health.


  • 10 spinach leaves
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 stalk celery
  • ½ cup parsley


PUT all the ingredients in a juicer and our Green Goddess is ready!

Follow a recipe and feel the results for yourself. However, if you are planning to begin a detox diet or a fast on detox juices, do not forget to consult your doctor for any health concerns. Choose from our wide range of  whole fruit juicers.