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​4 Benefits of Using Oranges in Juice

Over the past few years, people’s perception about orange juice has changed drastically! They consider orange juice equivalent to poison because of its high sugar content! They think that orange juice being a simple carbohydrate causes heartburn and blood sugar spike. But there are reasons as to why all this is rubbish! Some of these points are touched below along with the benefits of adding orange juice to your juicing diet.

A balancing impact on the levels of blood sugar

Several factors impact our blood sugar levels. These include the food that we eat, the stress levels, and external medications. The impact of the food on blood sugar can be measured and is given by Glycemic Index(GI), which ranges from 0 to 100. Foods with high GI get digested and absorbed rapidly, thus fluctuating the levels of blood sugar. While foods with low GI result in a gradual rise of blood sugar levels and are good for health.

Orange juice and other commonly consumed fruits used in juicers are low on GI; while carbs such as cereals, muffins, and bread are very high on this scale. So, the consumption of low GI foods can result in a better overall health, along with weight loss.

Full of Nutrients

  • It is a widely known fact that orange juice is rich in Vitamin C. But people don’t know why this vitamin is so vital. It boosts our immunity and serves as an antioxidant. Having a glass of orange juice is certainly a better option than popping pills for Vitamin C.
  • Also, this orange juice contains Vitamin B, and minerals such as magnesium and potassium.  Vitamin B is needed in cell metabolism, magnesium is involved in enzymatic reactions within the body including the metabolism of food and synthesis of fatty acids and protein.  The primary functions of potassium in the body include building muscle, controlling the electrical activity of the heart and maintaining acid-base balance and total body fluid volume.
  • Orange juices also contain flavonoids – hesperidin and naringenin. These are powerful antioxidants and play a role in slowing down the process of aging and reducing inflammation.

Balances the Hormones

The consumption of 2 to 3 ounces of orange juice replenishes the glycogen levels (Glycogen is the glucose stored in your liver). This would in turn kick-start the production of active thyroid hormone (T3), which cannot happen without adequate glycogen.  And as you are probably aware, thyroid hormone is essential in regulating the body's energy metabolism throughout life. 

So try adding a few ounces of this all-beneficial orange juice to your morning drink, instead of having your regular morning lemon water. You may add a pinch of sea salt to it, and it will work as an electrolyte beverage. This drink would be great to build up the heat in your body.

A carbohydrate source that digest easily

People with digestive issues cannot easily digest starch- this includes bread, pasta, cereals, rice, squash, potatoes and other commonly consumed carbohydrate sources. But when these people consume few ounces of orange juice along with a balanced diet, they are giving their bodies an energy source that heals the digestive system and helps with digestion.

If you experience heartburn on the consumption of orange juice, consider changing the source. A freshly squeezed glass of juice is always digested easily as compared to store-bought juice.  Orange juice is especially important for anaemic patients, as it increases the absorption of iron if consumed at the same time as an iron source due to its Vitamin C content .