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​Juicing Recipes For a Great Start to the Day

Most of us probably do it already- reaching out to the fridge to get a refreshing glass of fruit juice in the morning. But, what most of us do is to juice a single fruit at a time, and drink it just for the sake of having it. Why do this, if yo...

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​Why Should You Dehydrate Food?

Dehydration is basically a method that is used for preserving food by drying it. It hinders the growth of various microorganisms like yeast, bacteria and mould through the removal of water. Traditionally, water was removed using evaporation,...

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​Why Choosing a Masticating Juicer Matters

The word ‘Masticating’ means to grind, chew, or knead into pulp. The perfect example of mastication in action is our teeth. Our teeth chew & grind food while we eat. And then after swallowing, the juices are extracted through the process of di...

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4 Delicious Detox Juice Recipes

The diet that we consume nowadays doesn’t allow our body to cleanse itself. We keep on eating all the time and the calorie intake is greater than the calories burned. Same is the case with toxins- the toxin intake is far greater than the toxins re...

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Juicing: A Healthy Addition to Any Diet

Juicing has been recommended by many dieticians recently and is proven to bring great benefits to health. People have started juicing fruits and vegetables in their homes as it can prove to be hugely beneficial and one can stay healthy without h...

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What are the Best Greens for Juicing?

If you are one of those people who are pre-occupied in their busy lives and cannot manage getting the recommended daily servings of certain vital nutrients, juicing can come to your rescue. It is one of the most enjoyable and healthiest ways...

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